A LOS Discount is a price discount system for guests who stay a preselected amount of days or nights. Length of Stay Discounts are used to encourage guests to book for longer periods of time than originally anticipated.
To create a LOS Discount Automation, first go to the Automations module.
Then click on +Add and choose Automated Rates.
Next, go to the LOS Discount tab and click on the + Add LOS Discount button on Automated Rates Overlay as shown below:
The Add LOS Discount overlay will look like this.
On the overlay, fill in all the required information such as the type, name, modality, description, amount, length and number of guests. Once you have everything filled out be sure to click Save.
Mandatory Fields:
Type: Select the Type of discount that will be applied. It can either be a flat value of percentage of booking.
Modality: Select the Modality to define if you want this discount to be applied to the whole booking or each night.
Amount: Add the Amount of the discount. The added amount will be deducted from the booking total based on the selected modality.
Length: Enter the Length of the stay that will qualify to be discounted. The discount will only apply to bookings where the number of booked nights is greater than or equal to the value set in this field.
Guests: Enter the minimum number of Guests required in order for the booking to qualify for the LOS Discount.
Name/Description: Provide a Name and Description for the discount. This will allow you to easily recognize the purpose of each discount you have created.
The LOS Discount can now be created. However, you can add additional parameters to each discount you create, with the following optional settings:
Start and End: If a date range is added while creating a LOS Discount, then the discount will be applied only for bookings that start within that range.
For example, If the Start date is July 1st and the End date is September 1st, then the discount will only apply to those bookings which start after July 1st or before September 1st. The discount will also be applied for bookings starting on July 1st or September 1st.
Rentals: Discounts can be rental-specific. Just select 1 or more rentals and the discount will only be applied to bookings created for the specified rental(s).
Channels: Discounts can also be channel-specific. Just select 1 or more channels and the discount will only be applied to bookings created for the specified channel(s). Currently, there is only the option to apply it for AdvanceCM and Webready bookings.
Once the LOS Discount is created, it will be visible in LOS Discounts List View.
In the LOS discount below, a discount of 20 is offered for guests if there are 4 or more people and staying for 8 nights or more. The discount is only offered for the last week of October and the month of November.
If you go to the AdvanceCM Booking Dashboard, you will see the discount is applied.
As always, please contact us with questions any time. We're happy to help.