There may be booking price discrepancies between what is shown on the booking channel compared to what the channel sends over to the channel manager.
This may be because of any of the following reasons:
The currency is not the same on AdvanceCM and your channel(s).
The channels do not include the cleaning fee, service charges and local taxes when the data is sent to AdvanceCM.
The price shown is the amount that the channel charges a commission on.
As a result, it affects the accuracy of the numbers in the reporting tool Margins. With the booking formula, you can account for the fees/taxes that are sent over to our system.
To set a booking formula:
The booking formula can be added in two(2) places in AdvanceCM:
1: The Finance Section:
2: The Channels Details page
Setting the booking formula from the Finance section:
Navigate to the left side menu, click on the Finance tab then on the Booking Formulas option
Setting the booking formula from the Channels section:
Navigate to Channels, select your channel on the left then click on the Booking Formula tab.
Add the Booking Formula
The booking formula can be set as a deduction or addition to the gross total sent to AdvanceCM
When the "cumulative" checkbox is unchecked, the calculation will be done using an aggregate method.
With a aggregate formula, the items are assembled into one amount first and then added/subtracted from the booking total.
With a cumulative formula, the booking total will be adjusted based on the first item only then a new total will be calculated and then the next item amount will be subtracted/added.
Once the formula has been set, whenever a booking is made, it shows the total amount based on the booking formula as well as the total amount sent from the channel.
Edit the Booking Formula
You can edit created Booking Formulas
Search Filters
You can search for created Booking Formulas using multiple search filter options available on the Booking Formula List View.