Rentals United API Requirements
To successfully connect your AdvanceCM rentals via the Rentals United API integration, please review the following listing content requirements below.
Listing Content Requirements:
Rental Size must be at least 1
Rental Type must be defined
Rental Bedrooms must be at least 1
Rental Locale must be defined
Rental Description must be between 20 and 40,000 characters long
Rental Display Name must be between 8 and 300 characters long
Rental Sleep Max must be at least 1
Rental Base rate must be defined
At least 10 photos are required (Minimum image resolution must be 1024x683 px)
At least 5 rental amenities are required
Rental Rooms must be defined
Connecting to Rentals United
With our new Rentals United API connection in AdvanceCM, property managers will not be required to list their rentals on the channel first in order to connect. Your AdvanceCM listings can be pushed to the Rentals United search engine with only a few clicks, following a few steps.
Here's how to connect:
Navigate to the Channels module from the top menu bar
Now on the Channels List view click on the + Add Channel button
This will load the Channels Overlay where you can choose Rentals United and click on the Connect button
Enter your Rentals United credentials.
After entering your credentials, click "Continue".
On the step to select rentals, if your AdvanceCM rentals do not meet Rentals United requirements they will be shown in red.
Click on the arrow or FIX button to see the missing listing requirements. To update the missing information click on "Fix it" and fill in the relevant details.
Once your listing meets all the requirements click the “Create” button under the “Action” column.
Edit listing settings and click the “Create” button.
That's it!
How to disconnect:
Go to the Channels section in AdvanceCM
Click on Rentals United in the left navigation panel
Click on the Disconnect button
Enter the Accommodation ID that you want to disconnect and you are done.
That's it!
1. From Booking Fee, additional options only the following two parameters are supported:ChannelTaxable
2. Additional guest fees in RU are added to the base charge, they don’t send it to us as a separate section in the price breakdown.
3. When performing the Import Bookings operation under Connection Details only future bookings will be imported
Pushed amenities don’t display in listing detail?
There is a limited list of amenities that will be presented in this section of our User Interface. It does not mean that they are ignored or not used. They will be delivered to Sales Channels.
In this section, we simply present the most important ones.