A Charge is a quick and convenient way for property managers to collect payments without creating and sending an invoice. It allows you to charge a guest’s saved card directly from the booking details, providing a fast and hassle-free payment solution.
You can access Charges from the left side menu by clicking on the Finance icon and then choose Charges from the list.
Charges List View
Charge list view screenshot will be added later because there is a bug on list view
Charges Create View
1- You can access it from Charges List View by clicking on + Add Charge button.
It will open an overlay where you can select the Inquiry and specify the Amount to be charged. Then, click the “Pay with Saved Card” button, enter the card details, click Save, and complete the charge successfully against the guest.
2- You can also create a Charge from the Extra List View, open any created Extra and click the Create Charge button.
It will open the Charge details screen, allowing you to make a payment using the guest's saved card. Simply click the “Pay with Saved Card” button to complete the payment on behalf of the guest.
You can bulk delete or download multiple charges at once. Additionally, you can search for charges based on rentals and a specific date range.
As always, please contact us with questions any time. We're happy to help.