How to subscribe for Advance Intelligence?
Log into the Appstore and search for the product name “Advance Intelligence”
Once you see the Advance Intelligence product, click on it to display the Advance Intelligence details page.
Click on the Subscribe button, which will load a dropdown with the options below, allowing you to choose a starting Advance Intelligence balance. Pick any option and click the Submit button to be subscribed successfully.
Auto Credit Re-Charge
Within the Advance Intelligence settings, this section will give you an opportunity to automatically recharge your balance if it goes below a certain amount.
The highlighted field below is used to identify the limit at which your Advance Intelligence balance will be recharged. In this case, if your balance goes below $10, then it will be recharged with the value you indicate.
The highlighted field below is used to indicate that this amount will be deducted from your credit card to recharge the Advance Intelligence balance. In this example, if the Advance Intelligence balance goes below $10, then an automatic charge is made to your card for $50.
Viewing your Advance Intelligence Charges
To view your Advance Intelligence Charges, you will need to navigate to the AdvanceCM Billing History page where you will see the Advance Intelligence billing history for each time you recharge your balance - each row consists of logs for each generated message.
Navigating to the Advance Intelligence Billing History
Click on your profile pic and go to the Billing Info page
Click on the Billing History button:
Next, scroll down on the Billing History page to see the Advance Intelligence Charges section below.
Each main row represents a recharge which is done at the start of the first subscription and then on each recharge based on the Auto Credit Recharge section in your Advance Intelligence Settings.
Each sub row shows the Deducted Balance, Message, Inquiry, Guest, Rental and the rest of the logs for each AI generated message.
Here are the definitions for each column:
Available: This is the total number of AI messages available to be used for a subscription period.
Used: This is the total number of AI messages generated out of the Available total number of AI messages.
Roll over: This is the remaining usage/balance which was carried from the previous billing period.
Charge: This is the total balance which was credited - it will be deducted over time when the Used column count increases.
Cycle Start Date: This is the start date per subscription
Cycle End Date: This is the end date per subscription
Status: This is the status for each subscription