This help article in AdvanceCM explains how to connect related rental units to streamline calendar management and avoid double bookings. For example, if you have a House with Room 1 and Room 2, linking them ensures that a booking for the House automatically blocks the calendars for Room 1 and Room 2. This feature is particularly useful for managing properties with multiple units, ensuring accurate availability and efficient operations.
You will export a calendar for the House and import it into Room 1 and into Room 2. Configuring this is easy in AdvanceCM.
1. Export House Calendar
Navigate to Channels > Add Channel
Select "Unknown" channel
In the Export section, click "Add".
Choose a Rental from which you are exporting the calendar and click "Select"
In the popup, copy the AdvanceCM exported calendar URL.
2. Import House Calendar to Room 1 and Room 2
Stay on the same screen, or repeat steps from part 1. (Channels > Add Channel > Unknown)
In the Import section, click "Add"
Give the imported calendar a name
Paste the House calendar URL you copied from part 1 of this guide.
Important: at the end of the calendar URL, append & anonymous=1
When you repeat the Import process for Room 2, you will append & anonymous=2
Select the Rental to import this calendar into
Click "Import"
Now, repeat the Import process for Room 2. As a reminder, you will want to append & anonymous=2 to the calendar URL being imported into Room 2.
That's it! Any events on the Whole House calendar will now block the calendars for Room 1 and Room 2.