Allowing guests to add discount codes when making a booking on your AdvanceCM Website or Webready website is a great way marketing incentive to encourage direct bookings. This can easily be set up as part of your Rates Automation.
To create a Discount Code, first go to the Automations module
Then click on +Add and choose Automated Rates.
Next, go to the Discount Codes tab and click on the Add Discount Code button on the Automated Rates Overlay as shown below:
On the Discount Code overlay, fill in all of the required information, such as the type, name, modality, description, amount, length and number of guests. Once you have everything filled out be sure to click Save.
Be sure to select either Flat or Percentage as the Discount Code type.
Mandatory Fields:
Type: Flat fee or a percentage of the booking total.
Name: A contextual name is recommended for discounts based on rentals/location/pricing tier etc.
Description: To quickly explain the purpose of the discount.
Amount: Specified percentage/flat fee to be discounted from booking total.
Max Uses: The maximum uses allowed for this.
Optional Fields:
Code: The discount code value. This can be your custom value e.g “SUMMER”, if left empty, a code will be generated.
Booking Total: The minimum booking total required for the discount.
Minimum Stay: The minimum length of stay required for the discount.
Start: The date when the discount code begins.
End: The date when the discount code ends.
Email: The email address of the guest who should receive the discount.
Rentals: The rental that the discount should be applied to.
Once the Discount Code is created, it will be visible in the Discount Code List View
Copy the created discount and share it with your guest.
Guests can use the discount code while booking from Webready, and will be able to apply the discount if their booking details meet the criteria defined in the created Discount code record.
When viewing an existing discount code, you can see the activity and the logs of the discount code by clicking on the available tabs.